Move Over Mozart

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Parents Ask Pam - Mozart’s Memo - Volume 49

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Parents Ask Pam

Have a question for Miss Pam? You can email, text message, or message on Facebook your questions. She will respond immediately to you, and your question might be featured in future newsletters.

Q:  When the next series of in person classes open for registration, will it be repeating the same series we are learning now or it will be more advanced level based on individual capabilities?

A:  All of our classes are new. We do not have pre-set lesson plans. The first lesson of each session is an assessment lesson.  We find out what the kids already know and what they are ready to learn.  We do this as a class and individually.  Then we plan the objectives and lesson plans for each week.  We have a 2-year curriculum for pre-school age.  Some of our objectives include

  • Correct hand position 

  • Basic rhythm

  • Recognizing and naming basic music symbols

  • High sounds vs. low sounds in contrast to loud vs. soft

  • High and low keys on the piano

  • Orientation of the piano keyboard including the names of the white keys

  • Solfeggio

  • Recognizing patterns in music

Every class is taught in layers.  This means that there are different levels of understanding with each topic. This allows us to have a class with young 3.5 year olds combined with 4 year olds or even 5 year olds.  Also, brand new students are intermingled with returning students. Sometimes we pair students up so they can work together and help each other learn a new topic.  How each objective is taught depends a lot on who is in the class and what their learning style and music ability is.  Also, of course, every teacher has a different style as well.  

Your Comments And Questions

We want to hear from you!  What questions do you have? What do you like best about this memo? How has our online lessons benefitted your child? Please leave your questions and comments below or email Pam directly at

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