The Harmonious Path to Growth: Understanding the Role of Music in Child Brain Development - Mozart’s Monthly Memo-Volume 39
March 7, 2024
This Memo includes
Feature Article: The Harmonious Path to Growth: Understanding the Role of Music in Child Brain Development
Student Hall of Fame
Practice Tip - (video included)
Spring Recital dates
Parents Ask Pam - We are interested in switching from Crescendo Kids to Private Lessons, How do we make this transition?
Feature Article -
The Harmonious Path to Growth: Understanding the Role of Music in Child Brain Development
By Niccole Modell, flute and piano teacher from Camarillo, California,
Music, in all its forms, has a magical ability to touch our hearts and souls. Its influence extends far beyond entertainment, as it plays a profound role in shaping the cognitive, emotional, and social development of children. Let’s briefly explore the multifaceted impact of music on child development, unveiling the many ways in which melodies and rhythms contribute to the growth of young minds and hearts.
1. Enhanced Brain Development: Music stimulates various parts of the brain that foster neural connections that are crucial for learning. Research shows that children exposed to music exhibit improved memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
2. Language and Mathematical Proficiency: The rhythmic patterns in music help children grasp language structures and mathematical concepts. Songs with rhymes and counting tunes enhance language and numerical skills, making learning a delightful experience.
1. Emotional Expression: Music provides a safe outlet for children to express their emotions. Whether through listening to emotive melodies or creating music themselves, children learn to identify and convey their feelings, promoting emotional intelligence.
2. Stress Reduction and Relaxation: Melodic tunes have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety in children. Music therapy is often used to help children cope with challenging situations, providing them with a soothing sanctuary amidst the chaos of daily life.
1. Cooperation and Teamwork: Participating in group musical activities, such as choirs or ensembles, teaches children cooperation and teamwork. They learn to synchronize their efforts, listen to others, and work together to create harmonious melodies.
2. Empathy and Cultural Understanding: Music introduces children to diverse cultures and traditions. By listening to music from around the world, they develop empathy and an understanding of different perspectives, fostering tolerance and acceptance.
1. Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Playing musical instruments, whether it’s tapping drums, pressing piano keys, or blowing a flute, hones fine and gross motor skills. The coordination required strengthens muscles and refines motor control, aiding in overall physical development.
2. Rhythmic Movement: Dancing and moving to music enhance coordination and balance. Rhythmic activities improve spatial awareness and teach children about their bodies, fostering a sense of control and confidence.
Music has a great impact on children’s development and enriches their lives in profound ways. As parents, educators, and caregivers, embracing music in a child’s life is not just about nurturing a potential talent; it’s about providing them with a holistic developmental experience that shapes their intellect, emotions, and character.
So, let the melodies flow, let the rhythms dance in the air, and let music continue to guide our children on their harmonious path to growth. Through the gift of music, we empower the next generation, helping them flourish into compassionate, creative, and well-rounded individuals, ready to make their mark on the world.
Student Hall Of Fame
Our students are making great progress! These students have accomplished new goals this last month.
Welcome to our new students and welcome back to returning students - Avi N & Noah S.
100-Day - Play the piano for 100 days in a row - Isabella N & Janice L*, (*indicates first time meeting this challenge!)
5X5 - play the piano for 5 minutes, 5 days in a week, for 5 weeks in a row - Desmond S*, Ira W, Isabella N, Jordan P, & Logan G*. ( * indicates first time meeting this challenge!)
Listening - Listen to an hour of classical music every week for 4 weeks in a row - Jordan P. & Noah P.
50X - Play their new piece 50 times in the first week - Una C.
Completed their piano lesson book - Gus K.
Advanced to the next music level - Arianna D, Dinah W, Lucas V, Olivia D, & Una C.
Practice Tip
You probably already know to play with relaxed, curly finger on their tips. Let’s take this one step further. The hand should never twist sideways at the wrist! I see this a lot when students are playing scales and crossing the thumb under. Instead, the wrist and knuckles should be in a straight line. The hand can rock side to side with the wrist lifting a bit when the thumb crosses under.
Upcoming MOM Events
Want to see all upcoming events? Check out our calendar. It includes when the next Crescendo Kids class begins, school closure dates, piano parties, and recital dates.
2024 Spring Recital - May 17, 18, & 19, 2024, Open to all children currently taking piano lessons.
FREE Online Piano Party! Students share their own music as well as participate in musical games, creating music and learning some music history. Each party is a little different with new lessons and a special guest instrument. Come, meet our piano teachers, play some music, and have fun! All ages and musical levels are welcome. Parties are available to non-students, former students as well as current students. Click the link to sign up. Piano Party Sign Up
Saturday, Mar 30, 2024, 11:00 - 11:45, ages 3 - 12 years
Parent Information Meetings - Have questions about our online piano class program? Want a tour of our practicing app? Click the link to schedule your free meeting with Miss Pam. Parent Info Meeting
Crescendo Kids CLASSES -
North Kirkland Community Center - Tuesdays or Thursdays - visit
Registration is over
Tuesdays, January 16 - April 2 (no class February 20)
Thursdays, January 18 - April 4 (no class February 15)
Registration begins March 19, 7:00 am, for Kirkland residents and March 21, for everyone else.
Tuesdays, April 16 - June 18
Thursdays, April 18 - June 20
Registration begins March 19, 7:00 am, for Kirkland residents and March 21, for everyone else.
Tuesdays, June 25 - August 20
Thursdays, June 27 - August 22 (no class July 4)
Spartan Recreation Center in Shoreline - Mondays - visit
Registration is over
Mondays, January 22 - April 1 (no class February 19)
Registration begins March 26, for Shoreline residents; March 28, for Lake Forest Park residents; and March 29, for everyone else.
Mondays, April 8 - June 17 (no class April 22 & May 27)
Registration begins March 26, for Shoreline residents; March 28, for Lake Forest Park residents; and March 29, for everyone else.
Mondays, June 24 - August 19
30 - Minute Private Online Piano Lessons - Did you know that many of our teachers also teach privately? Now you can continue your child’s musical education, or your own, with Move Over Mozart. Click here for more information. Private Lessons
New Crescendo Kids Online begins March 12. Our piano classes are fun and easy to do! Perfect for beginning students ages 3 1/2 to 12 years old. Students are put into one of 4 classes depending on their age and musical ability.
Crescendo Kids Online Sign Up
Pre-Reading - Ages 3 - 5 years, or students not yet reading,
We use a color-coded method for the students to match their five fingers to five keys on the piano. New songs using only those 5 notes are given each week.
Primary - Ages 5 -7 years or older and brand new to music,
This group is for the very basics of piano playing. Students learn to play simple rhythms, correct hand position, and the names of the white keys on the piano.
Beginning Elementary - Ages 7-12 years or younger and reading notes,
This is for students just starting to read notes on the staff. Students are taught how the staff relates to the piano and how to translate the notes to making music. Also, having the students memorize a few key notes on the staff will help greatly with their ability to read music.
Advanced Elementary - Ages 7 - 12 years with previous piano lessons
This group already reads notes on the staff and can immediately identify many of the notes by name. They will learn more advanced technique and music theory beyond the initial basics of learning to play.
Parents Ask Pam
Have a question for Miss Pam? You can email, text message, or message on Facebook your questions. She will respond immediately to you, and your question might be featured in future newsletters.
Q: We are interested in switching from Crescendo Kids to Private Lessons, How do we make this transition?
A: Let’s start with a free, private lesson assessment. This gives you and your child the opportunity to meet with your teacher, ask questions and find out their plan for your child’s private lessons. If you decide to go forward with private lessons, we cancel your Crescendo Kids subscription and start a Private lesson subscription of 4 lessons for $150.
Your Comments And Questions
We want to hear from you! What questions do you have? What do you like best about this memo? How has our online lessons benefitted your child? Please leave your questions and comments below or email Pam directly at