Mozart’s Monthly Memos
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Sharing Love While Encouraging Your Child To Practice - Mozart’s Monthly Memo-Volume 38
This Memo includes
Feature Article: Sharing Love While Encouraging YouS Child To Practice
Student Hall of Fame
Practice Tip - How to play fast
Parents Ask Pam - My child will miss their lesson today. How do we schedule a make up?
Feature Article - Why Your Child Will Enjoy Crescendo Kids Online
This month is all about love. Love for sweethearts, love for family, love for friends. Valentines day is the special day to celebrate, but how can we share love in our everyday activities for every other day? More specifically, how can you show love to your child while helping them practice the piano every day?
One statement I hate hearing from adults is how much they wish they could play the piano. They had lessons as a child, hated practicing, and eventually their parents gave up and the lessons stopped. No one likes that story. Not the parent and not the child. It truly sounds horrible. There is a better way!
Here are 5 steps to make daily practicing a loving experience between you and your child.
Why Your Child Will Enjoy Crescendo Kids Online - Mozart’s Monthly Memo-Volume 37
This Memo includes
Feature Article: Why Your Child Will Enjoy Crescendo Kids Online
Student Hall of Fame
Practice Tip
Parents Ask Pam - How much can my child really learn in an 8-minute lesson?
Feature Article - Why Your Child Will Enjoy Crescendo Kids Online
What makes our beginning piano program so successful? When Move Over Mozart started in 1994, our goal was to create piano lessons for every child. Looking back at my childhood I realized how fortunate I was to have piano lessons. Back then, piano lessons meant my parents could afford an acoustic piano and piano lessons. Also, my mother had the time to transport me to the lessons each week. Very few of my friends had a piano in their home. By the time I got into high school, I had something “special” that gave me joy. I started wondering what my life would be like if I never had piano lessons? As an adult, I had several friends that I suspected would be very good musicians but never had the opportunity to explore that side of their skills. I wanted to create a program that was affordable and convenient for parents and motivating for children.
Today, in addition to our in-person classes at community centers, we also offer a similar program online. Here are some of the benefits I’ve noticed that makes our online program successful and in some ways better than traditional private lessons.
Top 10 Reasons We Are The Best! - Mozart’s Monthly Memo-Volume 36
This Memo includes
Feature Article: Top 10 Reasons We Are The Best!
Student Hall of Fame
Practice Tip
Parents Ask Pam - May we have an extra lesson before the recital?
Feature Article - Top 10 Reasons We Are The Best!
Move Over Mozart has been teaching beginning piano lessons to children in the greater Seattle area since 1994. Here are some reasons that we think makes us stand out as one of the best piano schools in the area.
1. Most Experienced
Move Over Mozart has taught over 5000 . . .
Games to Play on the Piano - Mozart’s Monthly Memo-Volume 35
This Memo includes
Feature Article: Games to Play on the Piano
Student Hall of Fame
Practice Tip
Parents Ask Pam - What is your availability for online lessons?
Feature Article - Games to Play on the Piano
Knowing the names of the keys on the piano is such an important part of learning the piano. Here are some tips and activities to help you or your child learn these names easily.